Local Team Members

Local Team Members

arber_alizotiArber Alizoti discovers the head of the maenad figurine

workers_1The team at the Basilica

lifting_stones_5Held by Arber Alizoti, Aldo Xhemali removes stones from the Mediaeval well

ilir_dedaIlir Lame discovers a possible function for the small ceramic vessel

workers_ilir_deda_and_meti_ismailiIlir Lame and Meti Ismaili working in mud

donaldi_fredi_preni_and_arberDonaldi, Fredi, Preni, and Arber hodling drawing boards

img_6349Feim Hysamj excavates an infant burial

digging_4The power of Petrit Tanushi

B. Abazi
A. Alizoti
A. Badri
K. Beta
V. Bushkola
E. Deda
I. Deda
V. Goje
V. Goxhoj
D. Halili
A. Hoxhiu
F. Hysamj
M. Ismaili
I. Kasi
I. Kemo
K. Kondic
M. Kulla
D. Kupi
I. Lame
L. Lorenze
E. Mahmuti
M. Mahmuti
E. Marku
M. Matema
Z. Matema
I. Meta
A. Minaj
B. Minaj
A. Moharem
S. Ndue
A. Noku
B. Noli
F. Noli
N. Moharem
B. Osmani
P. Peto
Z. Quqi
R. Retale
A. Shaj
K. Shobarin
M. Shobarin
D. Soli
B. Sterjo
Pe. Tanushi
Pr. Tanushi
Xh. Tanushi
B. Veli
K. Xhemalaj
I. Xhemalaj
A. Xhemali